About Who We Are


We are a Church for Amateurs, Beginners, and Self Starters — that means we expect mistakes and embrace them. Ultimately, we are a faith community that believes in the love of God the father (John 3:16), the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. By tradition, we carry the title  “Community Church” because we gather people from various denominational backgrounds, but we aren’t exactly like your traditional church. We aren’t particularly bound to a building and favor non-traditional spaces. We consider ourselves to be a spiritual collective, a family of strangers, and a team of adventurers.  We love the local church, so if you grew up in a denominational setting or no church setting at all, we aspire to be a place where you feel welcome. If you believe personal generosity and authenticity drive a community, you might be one of us!


“To blindly follow is an insult to the miracle of being human. To be human is to make choices; the moment you allow others to make decisions for you is the moment you do an injustice to not only mankind but to yourself.”


Our duty is to deliver the Gospel message, not change it. But what we share about our faith in Jesus won’t be helpful if the message is too complicated or difficult to understand. We believe in creating a solid foundation that captures the heart of the matter in simple terms. We hope everyone who encounters this church will continually test, grow, prove, and confess confidence in Jesus through 4 beginner statements of faith. (Romans 10:10).

“Be careful when you blindly follow the masses. sometimes the M is silent” – Anonymous


Every Christian or person considering Christianity has to intimately and confidently know who Jesus is. It’s kind of a big deal to know who you are following (Hebrews 12:2). After careful consideration, we choose to accept the testimony of Jesus and the testimony concerning him. We are here to tell others about him so they can decide for themselves.


(John 6:35, John 8:23;58, John 11:25, Mark 8:29. Luke 18:31, Matt 9:15, Mark 14:61-62, Matt 11:28-29, Matt 28:18)

We come to trust and believe in Jesus’ teachings as we learn and test them for ourselves. Once tested, we can begin to trust them as truth and apply them to our way of life. We hope every beginner starts here! (1 John 4:1, 2 Tim 2:15)


(John 10:28, Matt 25:31-46, John 2:19-22)

While there are many teachings about the contents of the bible, its purpose is undisputed. As followers of Jesus, we must approach God with confidence. We hope everyone will carefully consider learning more about the one true God of the Bible and prayerfully approach scripture as the chief way to know him.


(Genesis 1:1, Mark 1:1, Matt 1:1 cf Gen 12:1, Luke 1:1-4, John 1:1)

Sound doctrine isn’t limited by denomination or tradition but is applied through biblical and cultural wisdom.  Although the overall teaching of the “Church”  is made by many elements, the primary message of the Gospel is explicitly defined: “Christ died [to pay the penalty] for our sins according to the Scriptures [and] . . . he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). This is the unambiguous good news of the Gospel, and it is “of first importance.” Change the Gospel message and the basis of faith shifts from Christ to something else.