Want to give a ministry gift or tithe?

We teach tithing as an act of love and compassion and overall generosity as a way to advance the kingdom. Giving is an expression of financial authority — a reflection of the Father. We understand that not every gift will be to the church, rather to the people you are blessed to be in relationship with like your family, friends, co-workers or strangers you encounter throughout this life. Afterall,  It is written “Where your treasure is there your heart is also”.  Give from a cheerful heart but also give out of compassion. Be sure to connect with us on what your gift is up to. We want to see you be good stewards!


Have more questions?

Giving online allows you to create a login to view your giving history. Your gifts to a church or non-profit ministry are tax deductible. You can explore what your giving means for Redpoint.

Want to give your time?